Refund and Cancellation
How much time will it take for a payment to be accepted by the biller?
  1. Some billers take a maximum of 3 business days to accept the payment after the transaction is completed on Onestack.
  2. We request you to pay your bills at least 3 business days before the payment due date to avoid inconvenience
Can a bill payment be cancelled for a refund?
No, bill payments once made by you cannot be cancelled for a refund.
Why am I unable to make a bill payment?
  1. Please ensure that you enter the correct authentication and account details while making a bill payment
At times, the delay could be due to technical reasons. Please retry after sometime.
My payment was successful, but the bill payment failed.
Some of the common reasons for failed bill payments include:
  1. Incorrect authenticator details like account no, customer ID etc
  2. Late payment fee not added to the outstanding bill amount
  3. Technical issues at the biller's end
In case of failure, a refund will automatically be processed to your account. Refunds may take up to 2-4 business days, depending upon your bank's policy.
More Questions
How do I make a bill payment?
  1. You can make bill payments on the Onestack mobile app.
  2. On the OneStack Mobile App, click on the specific utility for which you want to pay and follow on-screen instructions. For example, electricity, landline, gas etc.
  3. You can also click on recent bills from your onestack app home screen

What are the eligible payment methods for a bill payment transaction?
You can make bill payments using your Net banking, credit/debit card and UPI.

The payment is successful on Onestack app, however my biller states that the bill is outstanding.
  1. Some billers take up to 3 business days from the date of transaction on OneStack to confirm payment receipt.
  2. If the payment has still not been accepted after 3 business days, the transaction will be cancelled by OneStack and a refund will automatically be processed to your account.

Can I get a payment receipt for my bill payment?
  1. The receipt for your bill payment transaction can be downloaded from the order details on Your transactions page

What all utility bill payments are supported by OneStack?
Currently we support electricity, landline, broadband, water and gas bill payments.

Why do I see a BBPS logo on my bill payment page?
  1. Since the biller is part of the Bharat Bill Pay System (BBPS) system, a BBPS logo appears on the bill payment screen
  2. BBPS is a National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) initiative. It enables interoperable bill payment services to customers and provides instant payment confirmation
  3. NPCI, as the central unit, also undertakes clearing and settlement activities related to transactions routed through BBPS, thus enhancing customer confidence and experience

I am not happy with the resolution provided by the biller, can I raise a complaint?
Yes, you can raise a complaint via BBPS (Bharat Bill Pay System).
  1. Please enter your BBPS reference number, select the issue code, describe the issue and submit a complaint.
  2. BBPS number can be found on order details page on Your Orders. You can raise only one complaint for one BBPS reference number
  3. If you are raising a complaint for a transaction done outside OneStack, please note that you will be able to raise a complaint for a BBPS reference number only if the mobile number associated with the transaction is the same as the mobile number registered with OneStack

How long does BBPS issue resolution take?
  1. Your complaints are resolved by NPCI appointed operating units and the SLA ranges from 4-7 working days
  2. Please note that OneStack does not look into these complaints and will not be sending any notification when the complaint gets resolved

Is there a purchase limit for bill payments?
  1. Yes, there is a purchase limit for bill payments
  2. If multiple bill payment orders are placed through the same OneStack account or multiple OneStack accounts amounting to unfair usage of the bill payment system, we reserve the right at our sole discretion to cancel any bill payment order without prior notice

Is there any upper limit for the value of the bill payment?
Yes. Only bill payments of up to the value of Rs. 25,000 are permitted on OneStack (i.e, any order of Rs. 25,000 or above will not be processed). This limit of Rs. 25,000 is applicable across our App to all bill payment related categories, including electricity, gas, piped gas, water, landline, broadband and municipal tax bill payments.